Our school is nestled amongst mangroves and a beautiful section of indigenous coastal forest. As such, we share this home with some astonishing biodiversity. From fiddler crabs, trumpeter hornbills, baobabs and hymenaea, through to hedgehogs, mudskippers, fish eagles and monitor lizards - these are just a few of the regularly seen species with whom we live. But there are many, many more - big and small, and we are continuously striving to create a safe and nourishing habitat for further biodiversity.​ We're working on a full biodiversity survey of our school. Soon to be available here.
Our Regenerative Journey
Let's care for the land and sea - they're our family too!
Kivukoni School is custodian of 8 beautiful acres of land surrounded by Takaungu Creek. As such, we have a responsibility to not only maintain this place, but to actively work to increase biodiversity, soil and water health, and to celebrate all the beings with whom we share our home.
For every child or teacher who joins the school, an indigenous tree is planted in the Wangari Maathai forest, and each year we host the 'Ocean Challenge' - swimming 2km from the ocean up the creek to raise funds for the TMEC (Takaungu Marine Environment Conservation Group). This initiative funds the salaries of local conservation officers to work year round protecting this treasured area.
We also have an permaculture shamba to demonstrate organic growing, composting systems, a reed bed water recycling system, and a large solar array, which meets a good proportion of the school's power needs. But we are hoping to once again become entirely powered by renewable energy (the school has grown a lot!) We are currently fundraising for this and would hugely appreciate your support.
There's always projects on the go to bring further life to this special place, and to improve our school's systems not only to minimise our environmental impact, but to inspire others to explore this way of life too.

The Eco Hub
Welcome to Kivukoni's very own nature centre!
Home to our animal rehabilitation tanks, eco library, NEAP lessons, nature clubs and eco team, this is where Kiv-Eco-Ni comes to life every day! Feel free to drop by and meet our team!

Wangari Maathai
"Education, if it means anything, should not take people away from the land, but instil in them even more respect for it"